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Text File | 1993-12-24 | 12.0 KB | 290 lines | [ttro/ttxt] |
- Find Stuff v 1.0.4
- The Ultimate Find Program
- By: Dave Sugar
- udsugar@mcs.drexel.edu
- Registration:
- Find Stuff is a shareware product and you are encouraged to
- register. This is a very simple procedure in this case. All you
- have to do to register is send a post card with something to
- show me how much you like the program.
- Send registration cards to:
- Dave Sugar
- 3718 Norburn Rd
- Randallstown, MD 21133 USA
- What is Find Stuff?
- Find Stuff is an application that will find your files. It is
- similar to the Finder's find command but more sophisticated and
- versatile. You ask, "Why should I use this instead of the finder
- find then?" Well, because with Find Stuff you can search by
- multiple parameters at one time and it is faster than the
- finder's find. You can search for files by partial file name,
- label, type, creator, date created and date modified or any
- combination of the parameters.
- Find Stuff is a shareware product, please see the end of this file
- for more info on distribution and registration.
- How to use Find Stuff?
- I hope that I have designed the interface to Find Stuff so that it
- feels very natural and is easy to understand. (In which case you
- shouldn't even need to read this). Anyway, when you first launch
- Find Stuff it will bring up a window with buttons and a list of
- mounted volumes.
- You choose the volumes you want to search by selecting the
- volume name from the list in the top right of the dialog. You can
- use the standard selection keys to select the volumes. Shift
- click to make a continuous selection or Command click to just
- toggle the selection of the current item. You can choose any
- number of volumes to search.
- Then you choose the parameters you want to use to search. You
- do this by first clicking on the icon. Once the icon has been
- clicked the 'Parameters' button will be enabled so you can set
- the parameters of that item.
- Once you have selected all the items you want to search by and
- filled in all the parameters for each of them you press the 'Find'
- button and that will begin the search.
- When the search begins a dialog will appear to keep you up to
- date on the search. It will give you a list of the files that have
- been found and it will tell you which volume is currently being
- searched. While the search is going on you can click on any of the
- files that have been found and it will show you the path, type,
- and creator of the file. If you then click 'Show File' the Finder
- will come into the foreground and show you that file.
- So you don't like something?
- Well, first off, check out the Preferences menu. Many of the
- things that some of my beta testers have complained about I
- have already made into preferences. Again, these should be
- pretty much self explanatory but I will go into a little detail
- about each of them.
- 'When launched Open'- when checked will automatically open one
- of the parameter dialogs when the Find Stuff is launched. The
- most common use for this is if you usually search for files by
- name. You would click the 'Name' radio button and that dialog
- would automatically be opened every time the application is
- launched.
- 'Quit when Main Window is closed'- this will automatically quit
- from Find Stuff when you close the main window.
- 'Open Parameter Dialog when selected'- will automatically open
- the parameter dialog when you click on one of the icons, instead
- of waiting for you to click on the parameter button. I made this
- a preference because I don't really like the feel of having them
- automatically come up when the icon is clicked, but I see the
- need to reduce the number of mouse clicks.
- 'Enter in Parameter dialog begins Find'- this is a nice feature
- that was mentioned. When you are in a parameter dialog if this
- is checked and you press the enter key (as opposed to just the
- return key to close the dialog) then the find will automatically
- start instead of you having to click the Find button from the
- main window.
- 'Show found invisible files'- this option will allow you to find
- files that are normally invisible on the Macintosh file system.
- You normally won't need the option unless you are looking for a
- file that you normally can't see. When an invisible file is found
- Find Stuff will show you the path of the file, but you can not
- select it in the finder.
- 'Default Volume Selection'- tells Find Stuff what volumes to be
- selected automatically when you first launch it. If you choose
- 'All Volumes' each time Find Stuff is launched all mounted
- volumes will be marked for searching. 'Startup Volume' will
- only select the boot drive to be searched. 'No Volumes' will not
- mark any volumes for searching. 'Local Volumes' will only mark
- volumes on this computer for searching, it won't mark Network
- volumes.
- The last thing that you can change is the list of file types and
- creators in the type and creator parameter dialogs. To do this
- you go to the 'Type/Creator' selection from the Preferences
- menu. There it gives you a scrolling list of titles and the type
- and creator for each item. You can add and remove items to
- make a custom list that contains the files that you regularly
- use.
- If you have any ideas that you think would make some good
- additions to Find Stuff feel free to mail them to me and I will
- see what I can do about make additions.
- A bit more about Searching:
- If you want some more info about exactly what you can search
- by then read this section.
- The Name parameters allow you to search by name. You type in a
- partial file name and then you can choose whether the file you
- are searching for should just contain the partial text, whether
- the name should begin or end with this partial text or if this
- should be the entire file name to search for. So far this doesn't
- use regular expressions (though that is an idea of something to
- add).
- The Label parameters allow you to search by label. You just
- choose the label which you want to search by. Right now you can
- only search by one label at a time. I don't think there is a way to
- all you to search for more than one label at a time, but that is
- something that I thought of adding in, I will see what I can come
- up with for a future version.
- The Date Created parameters allow you to search by the creation
- date of the file. You give it a date and tell it to look on this
- date, before or after this date.
- The Date Modified parameters allow you to search by the date
- the file was last modified. You give it a date and tell it to look
- on this date, before or after this date.
- The Type parameters allow you to search by file type. You can
- either type in the 4 character type or use the pop-up menu to
- quickly select a file type. The menu is completely customizable
- from the Preferences menu the 'Type/Creator' selection.
- The Creator parameters allow you to search by the file creator.
- You can either type in the 4 character creator or use the pop-up
- menu to quickly select a creator. This menu is also completely
- customizable from the Preferences menu the 'Type/Creator'
- selection.
- The last thing is the 'Ignore System Folder' button. When this
- is selected the search will ignore any matches that happen to be
- in the System Folder. This can be useful if you are looking for
- someting that has a bunch of matches in the System Folder that
- you really don't care about.
- Hidden Features:
- These feature are around just to make navigating around easier
- and so you can do things quickly without a lot of button clicking.
- First option is if you hold down the option key while you click
- on the 'Show File' button in the window that has the list of
- found items this will so you the selected files and quit from
- Find Stuff, leaving the Finder in the foreground.
- Second thing is that in the list of found items you can select
- more that one item and when you press the 'Show File' button it
- will show all of the files and they will all be selected.
- Technical Jargon:
- The way that I have done the search is to use the Macintosh
- low-level file function PBCatSearch. This allows me to do the
- very fast search for the file and it is a very flexible function in
- which I can specify many different parameters to search for.
- Once I find a file with PBCatSearch is go through a secondary
- filter to check for everything else to make sure that I have an
- actual match.
- Find Stuff will only search on volumes that support the
- PBCatSearch function if a volumes does not support this then
- that volume will not be listed in the volumes that are
- searchable. So far the only volume that I know of that does not
- support PBCatSearch is a unix CAP mounted volume. But I'm sure
- that there are others.
- Find Stuff's user interface was developed using Harmony,
- published by Cedrus Corporation. For more information, contact
- Cedrus at 1-800-233 7871, or harmony@cedrus.com.
- Bugs:
- If you find any bugs in the program please inform me of what you
- found, your system specifcation, what type of volume you were
- trying to serach, and how I can duplicate the error.
- Distribution:
- Find Stuff must be distributed for free and in it's entirety
- (Find Stuff application and this README file). It may be placed
- on public and private BBSes, internet, commercial services
- (like CompuServe, Genie, America Online), and shareware
- distribution disks as long as there is no extra charge for the
- software, just the normal fee for the service.
- If you are not sure about your service contact the author via
- e-mail or postal mail at above address.
- Very Special Thanks:
- I would like to thank all of the following people for their ideas,
- suggestions and time. They helped me make Find Stuff as good
- as it is. I think this is everybody, if I forgot someone I am sorry
- but I am just tired and this has been a very long file to write.
- Scott DeLucia -- interface ideas
- Mike Flynn -- beta testing and general ideas
- Jim Gilsinn -- beta testing, ideas and icons
- Stuart Harper -- ideas and beta testing
- Joe Hicks -- finding bugs
- Arion Lawrence -- beta testing and ideas
- Mike Meystel -- final beta testing
- Dave Slotter -- finding that bug with unmounting volumes
- Duncan Widman -- beta testing and finding bugs
- Amen Zwa -- for installing CAP so I could test it
- Updates:
- Version 1.0.4:
- * Minor bug fixed which would crash when 'Show Inivisibles' option
- was off and a match was made that was a volume. It would go
- into an infinite recursive loop.
- Version 1.0.3:
- * Fixed bug with "At Ease". When "At Ease" was running and the
- Finder was not if the 'Show File' was clicked the computer would
- lock up. Now if the Finder is not running the 'Show File'
- button is not shown.
- * Fixed bug when searching by file TYPE or CREATOR only the last
- two characters of the TYPE or CREATOR were being checked instead
- of all four. Now searching by TYPE and CREATOR works correctly.
- * Added in the Searching Dialog it shows the file creation date
- last modification date and file size.
- * Fixed bug where Find Stuff would crash on Macintosh Quadra
- computers. It would mainly crash when the 'Pause' or 'Resume'
- button was pressed.
- * Added this list of what has been updated between different
- versions.
- Version 1.0.2
- * Fixed bug where trying to add a file in the Type/Creator Dialog
- with a '^' or '~' would have wierd results.
- * Added display of the number of files that have been found.
- * Minor interface change. When a parameter Icon is clicked and
- the default is to automaticly show the parameters dialog, the
- corresponding 'parameter' button is flashed.
- Version 1.0.1 (never released)
- * Fixed bug that would cause crash on Macs with out Color QuickDraw.
- * Fixed bug with the 'Show Invisible' option that would cause files
- to be displayed even if they were not a total match by all the
- search parameters. This effected the 'Ignore System Folder' option
- and searches with multiple parameters.
- Version 1.0 (Inital release)
- * If you find a version older that 1.0 please just throw it away!!